6 Health benefit of dates during iftar
6 Health Benefits of Dates during Ramadan Iftar. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended us to break fasting during Ramadan (iftar) with dates. Research study has proven that having dates after fasting has got great benefits for our nutrition and health! Following are the 6 health benefits of eating dates after fasting: Dates are easy to digest so they don’t exhaust the fasting person stomach. Dates decrease the great hunger feeling of the fasting person and so he doesn’t rush into excessive food eating which causes digestion disorders. Dates prepare the stomach to receive the food after being inactive through out the day with activating the release of digestive secretions and juices. Dates are very rich with sugary energy and so the body is supplied with the most important nutrients which is sugar that is irreplaceable as a nutrient for the brain cells and nerves. Dates protect the fasting person from having constipation as a result of changing meal...